My little niece, Brenna turned four this week! I cannot believe how quickly the time passes. Brenna is such a cutie pie and I am so proud of the sweet girl she is becoming. One of the best things about being an aunt is that you get to really cherish your nieces and enjoy their little behaviors. Some of the fun things about Brenna are that she loves her taggy giraffe (seen in the picture above), food, playgrounds, being active, swimming, BOYS, cake, her parents, her sister and animals. She is amazing and I love her so much. I talked her into letting me take her to her school playground on her birthday to take some pictures. Even though she is not the easiest subject to photograph (because she loves to be running all around), I got a few that really remind me of Brenna's personality:
She insisted on bringing along one of her many pairs of sunglasses!

The movement in this one is pretty fun!

This one was 100% her idea. She thought this would be a good pose.

I'll have some more pictures from her party at the pumpkin patch soon!
AWW Cheryl, thank you sooooo much.... These turned out great! I LOVE THEM! I love my Brenna-Nana!
So cute... Now bring on the punkin patch pics:)
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