Monday, June 15, 2009

Bailey's Preschool Graduation

Ok, so the thing that is so amazing is that I literally feel like Bailey was just born today, except that she graduated preschool last week. How is that possible? Her ceremony was so cute. They sang songs and told stories for the parents and family members in attendance. Bailey was part of a multi-cultural version of "I'm a little teapot" and had the part where she had to sing some of it in Spanish. She was not the least bit afraid to get up there in front of everyone and sing. What a little performer and she definitely impressed the audience!! Here is a picture of her receiving her "diploma:"

I told her this is good practice for all those times in the future when she will participate in graduation ceremonies (hint hint). Here she is with her proud Grandma:

Proud mom, dad and sister:

... Make that a VERY VERY proud sister:

I love you so much Bailey!! I'm so proud of you. I CANNOT believe you are officially a kindergartener!! Wow.

Little Kaylee

Recently I got to spend some more time with one of my favorite girls- Kaylee Grace. She is already 14 months old in this picture! It is amazing how fast the time flies! When I was at her house, she was cracking up so loud it made me laugh. I was tickling her feet with some fuzz on a touch and read book. She kept coming over laughing and pointing her foot at me and then running away laughing even harder. What a cutie pie. I wish I could see her more often. I just wanted to add an updated picture of her to the blog.