Monday, July 6, 2009

Photography Seminar

I recently had the opportunity to attend another photography seminar with the incredible Jennifer Bowen and amazing Kim Jarman. I took the workshop in November of last year and just had to go back for more. With six months more experience under my belt, I had a feeling I would hear the information differently and walk away with even more knowledge than I did the first time and I was right! They are amazing teachers with photography that, in my opinion, is unparalleled in the field. The first part of the seminar was spent more on the technical side- learning how to get the shots we want from the camera we have and how to set goals to obtain the equipment needed to get even better shots. The second part of the day was spent "in the field" taking pictures of models. First up was a cute little family:

Next, we got to photograph a "bride." Funny story- the first time I ever assisted Jennifer at a wedding, the second shooter was this model bride, Cristi Owen. She is an amazing photographer and it is easy to see why she makes such a fantastic model ANY day:

One of my favorites from the day:

The workshop was amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone in the field. If you want to learn more about workshop opportunities, click here.

Mom's Birthday- Late

One of the challenges with having sooo many things on my plate is that I have a longer turn around time for pictures- even my own personal collection. My mom's birthday was so much fun. We got together as a family and made food, ate, played games and stayed up waaaay too late. My mom really wanted some good pictures with my nieces, so here are a few we got that day:

... and one each of the nieces...

It's not just me, right?? My nieces are soooo beautiful!