Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kaylee Turned Two!


I am finally catching up on some posts! Kaylee bug turned two a little while ago, but I have been too busy to post her pictures! We were really lucky the day of the photo shoot for a few reasons! First, Kaylee was in THE BEST mood! She was cracking up the whole time. Boy, that makes my job so easy!! Second, even though it was rainy that day, we were able to catch dry moments and get some really great shots. Third, Nicole brought lots of snacks to help Kaylee get through the times when we were waiting in the rain. Kaylee is such a sweet-heart and I love taking her pictures. She is so animated and fun. Aside from all of that, she is gorgeous and so easy to photograph. Here are some of my favorites from that day:

I love you, Kaylee bug!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Bailey!!!

Bailey Michelle is already six!! Although for those of us who know her well, we know that she is really six going on 40. Not only does she have an "old soul," she is also so smart and funny. She uses her intelligence to her own advantage and likes to negotiate things with the "grown ups." She makes me laugh because she can reason better than some adults I know. It really is unbelievable how fast the time flies! I feel like she was just born yesterday. In reality, yesterday she was asking me if I would teach her "all of the gate codes to all of the neighborhoods" when she grows up. I have said it before and I will say it again- my nieces are the lights of my life. I could not love them more than I do. I feel like a part of me is missing when they are not around for more than a week.

Bailey and I had a fun photo shoot planned for the day we had scheduled to do her pictures, but it actually rained that day. So, we just ran around my neighborhood and got a few of these pictures in between the boughts of rain. It was funny because Bailey kept reminding me she was still five until the next day. She thought the pictures might be a little different if we waited until she officially turned six. I think that in some of these pictures, you can almost guess what she will look like as a teenager! Gulp! I love you Bailey!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wedding/Photography Assistant- Scottsdale, AZ

As many of you know, I spend a lot of my weekends and free time helping photographers by assisting them at weddings and at other photoshoots. Most of the time, I help out my mentor photographer, Jennifer Bowen. She is incredible. She photographed my wedding and I really like the opportunity to help her because I get to learn and observe first hand from one of the greats! Occasionally, on some of these shoots, I will sneak off and try to capture some images myself. At a recent family shoot, I did just that and was able to catch a few that Jen approved of! This is the second time that some of my shots made her blog, so I thought I would share. Please click here to see the full shoot and to look at the 2 or 3 images that I captured. I'll try to update my blog more often with these so that you can see what I am doing in between my own shoots.