Friday, November 7, 2008

My Niece Karidyn

I've only gotten to visit with my niece a few times since she was born. She grows up so fast and now she is already going on one and a half years old! I am going to first post a picture of my sister, Jessica so that you can see what I see when I hold Karidyn. It is like I am picking up my little sister. See for yourself!



Is it just me or is the resemblance kind of spooky?

Here are some more from the visit:

My niece, Bailey, calls this looking for "candylions"


Nicole said...

I seriously can't believe how much she looks like Jessica!! Kaylee doesn't look like either one of us :(

Anonymous said...

Yeah definatly a mini Jessica... I love the way these pictures turned out it was so adorable that they were teaching Karidyn how to blow dandelions.