Friday, March 27, 2009

It's a Girl!!

After 18 weeks of waiting and waiting... I am so happy to announce that Nicole and Nathan are having ANOTHER GIRL!! I am so excited for them as they prepare to welcome their new daughter and Kaylee's baby sister. What an exciting time. I am really looking forward to meeting the newest little baby Pruetz. In an upcoming blog, I will do a tribute to sisters who are best friends- something to which Nicole and Nathan have to look foward. Congratulations! Auntie ("Titi") Cheryl could not be more thrilled!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kaylee's First Birthday Party

Kaylee is one!!! Holy smokes. It seems like just yesterday we were sitting in the waiting room waiting for her to be born! She is already a sweetie pie. Her parents went all out on her party and decorated every last thing with Kaylee's name- even her little bloomers! It was a fun day and now Kaylee can look back and see how everyone came to help her celebrate her first birthday!

Kaylee in her bouncy house (because she loves to have fun):

Kaylee walking (which she does like a little champ now):

Kaylee and Mommy:

And the bloomers:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bailey is a Five Year Old

I cannot believe how fast time flies. Bailey cannot already be five, can she? I just can't imagine where the time has gone. If you ask her, though, she will be happy to remind you that she is in fact five and that "next" she will be six. I took the girls to a local park on Bailey's fifth birthday and we took her five year old pictures. Bailey girl, I love you so much. I cannot imagine loving my nieces more and I'm so lucky to be your auntie. I can already tell that you are going to be a smart, caring, loving, funny, beautiful person. I love you!

I know I've said this before, but I have some of the cutest nieces on the planet. I'm even willing to let you be the judge...

Let's start with the birthday girl-

Don't forget my little Brenna-nana. Even though it wasn't her birthday, we got some cute ones of her too:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!!

With all of the photography shoots I've been doing lately, I have had less time to get my family/personal pictures out. So, even though this is about one month late, I wanted to wish my grandma a happy birthday. We recently had a surprise party for her and it was sooo much fun. I really enjoy getting together with my family. It was a great day and she was so surprised!

I love you grandma!!

More Newborn Logan

So, here are a few of my favorites from my session with newborn Logan. He was such a cute, calm baby- which makes my job pretty easy! I love these pictures and I can't wait to take more as he grows into a little boy!! Thanks Kenny & Lindsey! What a great afternoon!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Coming Up- Newborn Logan!

I have been so busy that I cannot keep up lately- not that I'm complaining! I love what I do, but it has just been photo shoot after photo shoot lately! I'm currently working on finishing up the pictures of newborn cutie pie, Logan. Here's one to keep you at the edge of your seat! Come back soon for more!

Kaylee Grace- 1 Year Old Pictures

Kaylee is already turning one! I can still remember finding out that Nicole and Nathan were expecting a baby and now here she is teething, learning to walk, laughing and showing off her little personality. It has been so fun watching her grow so far this year. I can already tell she is going to be very loving and sweet. She might even have a little comedian in her because she likes making people laugh. I can't wait for the next year, Kaylee Bug!

Jackson's First Birthday

Jackson is already one! I cannot believe how fast the time goes. Here are just a couple of his cute pictures from his big day. He has the most contageous smile of any baby! What a sweetie! Happy birthday Jackson!!