Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bailey is a Five Year Old

I cannot believe how fast time flies. Bailey cannot already be five, can she? I just can't imagine where the time has gone. If you ask her, though, she will be happy to remind you that she is in fact five and that "next" she will be six. I took the girls to a local park on Bailey's fifth birthday and we took her five year old pictures. Bailey girl, I love you so much. I cannot imagine loving my nieces more and I'm so lucky to be your auntie. I can already tell that you are going to be a smart, caring, loving, funny, beautiful person. I love you!

I know I've said this before, but I have some of the cutest nieces on the planet. I'm even willing to let you be the judge...

Let's start with the birthday girl-

Don't forget my little Brenna-nana. Even though it wasn't her birthday, we got some cute ones of her too:


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! These are soooooo cute!! I seriously love them..

Nicole said...

Bailey needs to be in modeling! That kid is so darn beautiful!!!