Monday, August 17, 2009

Frances' Boudior Session

Recently, I had the pleasure of shooting Frances' boudior session. We agreed that because she is also getting married, it is a great opportunity to capture her beauty and then to present an album to her fiance, Matt, as a surprise. Hopefully he is not an avid reader of my blog :). It goes without saying that Frannie is gorgeous, but she is also really easy to photograph because she is really open to my crazy ideas. I hope to continue to photograph her throughout our friendship. Check out some of my favorites from the day (all approved prior to posting, of course):

Two of my all-time favorites:


Jennica said...

She looks absolutely beautiful. I love these. Very nice work.

Rulaan said...

Frances is gorgeous! Cheryl, I am suppose to see you tomorrow at 1 p.m. - please confirm with me - I don't have your number or your email address (it's at work)!!! Oh, no!
I have a facebook page - if you can send me an emal through there, that would be great!
I hope my pics looks as good as lovely Fances here!
Melissa :-)