Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bailey Started Kindergarten

Yes, by now it is old news, but my little baby niece, Bailey started Kindergarten at the end of August. She is LOVING her teacher, her classroom, her homework and her life as a student. I cannot believe she went from being born two minutes ago to starting kindergarten already. It was so great to be there that day and capture the morning. She was so excited about school she was literally bouncing up and down while Jessica (her mom) was trying to do her hair. It was so cute. The teacher has already reported that Bailey is an absolute pleasure to have in class.... sniff. They grow up so fast!! Little Brenna also started her NEW preschool class the same day and has been doing fantastic as well. She has her main teacher and a teacher's aide. The teacher's aide happens to be male and if you know Brenna, that is a wonderful thing. She loves him and looks forward to getting to school each morning to see him. The teachers have had nothing but good things to say about Brenna as well. You can see in one of these pictures how she quickly learned where the dolls were and started playing immediately within 5 minutes of being there on the first day. She is getting so big and independent!! My little nieces are growing up soooo fast! Here are some moments from their first day:


Anonymous said...

I love my babies! Thanks for always being there for us Titi! We love you!

Amanda said...

aww their getting so big, i miss those girls like crazy!!