Friday, November 26, 2010

Scottsdale Newborn Photographer

Cheryl Sexton Photography

Ok blog followers, here is my long awaited post about the reason I am so far behind on posts- my newborn's photos! Yes, the birth of my son has put me behind quite a bit, but I am happy to be so distracted for such a wonderful reason. I am truly blessed. If I do say so myself, Carter was a very adorable and beautiful subject to photograph. I am not just saying that because he is my son. Although I do think he is the cutest baby on the planet, I also think that photographing all newborns is so much fun. If you get them early enough, they are really sleepy and cuddly. Carter was no exception. My mom and I just moved him around and he mostly just slept. I am so proud to introduce you all to my son, Carter Michael:

Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography

Monday, November 22, 2010

Scottsdale Children's Photographer: Five Year Old Pictures

Cheryl Sexton Photography

We recently got to head over to the local park to do my niece, Brenna's, five year-old pictures! It is amazing that she is already five! She is growing up so fast. Click here for a link to her four year-old pictures or here for a link to her three year-old pictures! I cannot believe she was a little toddler just two short years ago!! I am so proud of how outspoken, strong-willed, creative, loving and funny she has become. She and her sister, Bailey are the very best of friends. I will develop a post about their amazing, loving friendship in the very near future. They are so connected and loving to each other. In the meantime, for those of you who know Brenna, you know that she is much more interested in playing than taking pictures. So, I tried to strike a balance between letting her play and also letting her choose poses. I am so happy with how some of them turned out. I really tried to capture her personality.

Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography

And a cutie pie Bailey picture:

Cheryl Sexton Photography

They were really digging that model pose!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Phoenix Children's Photographer: One Year Old Pictures


Little Addison turned one in the last couple of months! Her family and I took a road trip up north for the day to get some pictures. When we did this shoot, it was really hot outside and we knew that Miss Addy would be miserable if we did not find a way to escape the heat. So, we loaded up and spent the night up north, in Sedona. We were so lucky to find a cute little area with water and lots of tall green grass. It was fun and we agreed to visit the north valley again soon! Here are a few of my favorites from the day:








Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting Caught Up!!

I just wanted to put up a post so that people do not think that I got lost in the Bermuda Triangle or something. Since I last posted, I had a WHOLE BABY and have been adjusting to life as a new mommy. It has been amazing and I will post some pictures of the little man responsible for my big life change- he is incredible! I have a TON of photo shoots to catch up on here on the blog though. So, over the next month, I plan to post a lot of my work over the last six months. Some posts will be old and some will be new. I have about 12 holiday photo shoots planned this year, so I am really excited to get some festive pictures up very soon! Thank you for being patient. Whew! Here come the holidays.....