Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Scottsdale Children's Photographer

Cheryl Sexton Photography

Recently, I had the opportunity to take my beautiful niece, Bailey on a photo shoot that I have been wanting to do for a couple of years now. One of the benefits of having two beautiful nieces at my disposal is that I can dress them up and take them to fun and unique places for a photo shoot when I am babysitting. It took a little planning to get this photo shoot completed, but Bailey was pretty excited to go along with it. I actually handmade her tutu because I had specific image in my mind about how I wanted the pictures to turn out. Bailey is the world's easiest little "model" because she loves having her picture taken and she is usually really easy to photograph. Next time, I am going to take my other niece, Brenna for a different kind of fun photo shoot. As usual, I have a ton of favorites, but I have selected the following five to share:

Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography
Cheryl Sexton Photography

Thank you, Bailey for being such an amazing person and for letting me take pictures of your natural beauty! I love you so much!!

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